
10 Signs your child may benefit from math instruction.

  • Delay in counting

  • Delay in using counting strategies for addition

  • Difficulty memorizing arithmetic facts

  • Lack of “number sense.” Difficulty comparing numbers and defining how many objects are in a group

  • Transposes number sequences and confuses arithmetic signs (+, -, x, /, =)

  • Slow recall of facts

  • Slow to learn new skills, relies heavily on memorization

  • Trouble learning about time

  • Difficulty solving word problems

  • Poor coordination, unaware of physical surroundings, prone to accidents

On Cloud Nine®: Visualizing and Verbalizing® for Math *

The On Cloud Nine® program is used to increase the ability to image and verbalize the concepts underlying math processes. The program emphasizes both mathematical reasoning and mathematical computation.

Instructors will work with your child to use comprehension, thinking, language, and visual/spatial strategies to develop and stabilize math skills. The program goes from concrete to visualized using a number line and other materials.

Once a student has an understanding of numbers and their relationships, they discover fact families and use imagery (or visualization) to stabilize computation. When computation is fairly stable, visualizing and language are used to attack word problems.

Students are first introduced to experiencing and imaging numerals and a number line, progressing to the mathematical processes of addition, subtraction, word problems, multiplication, division, decimals, and fractions.

*Fort Wayne Center for Learning is not affiliated with, endorsed, licensed or sponsored by Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes® Corporation.