Frequently Asked Questions
+ How Do I know if FWCL is right for my child?
There are several signs that your child might need our help. Here are a few:
- His or her grades start falling
- Fear or stress before tests
- Has trouble organizing time, materials, thoughts
- Has difficulty meeting quantity or quality of work demanded at school
- Slow to learn the connection between letters and sounds
- Lack of strategies for reading unknown words
- Word retrieval problems or confusing words that sound alike: substituting lotion for ocean, or humanity for humidity
- Difficulty spelling, with spelling word lists or in writing assignments
- Transposes number sequences and confuses arithmetic signs (+, -, x, /, =)
- Difficulty with math facts
- Difficulty understanding or remembering what is read
- The use of imprecise language, such as vague references to stuff or things instead of the proper name of an object
- Labored, messy or illegible handwriting
- Letters oddly formed or spaced
+ Do you help children with learning disabilities?
Yes. Children with diagnosed or undiagnosed learning and processing disorders can benefit from our programs. Our academic assessment allows us to determine exactly how we can help. Individualized programs based on your child’s specific needs, and one-on-one instruction, have been very successful with children of varying severity levels.
+ Do you help children who are struggling in school but do not have a learning disability?
Yes. We do not require that a child has a diagnosed learning disability. If your child is struggling academically, we can help.
+ What is the evaluation like?
Each student starts by being assessed by one of our instructors. The assessment takes 4 hours to complete and allows us to build a comprehensive profile of your student’s academic strengths and weaknesses. The student will receive ‘brain breaks’ at the top of each hour and receive snacks. Exceptions may be made if the student has been assessed within the last year. The fee for testing includes an extensive written report with recommendations, a private consultation, and a post assessment if the student enrolls in instruction.
+ What kind of improvements can I expect?
Improvement varies greatly depending upon the severity of the learning difficulty and any conditions that may co-exist such as difficulties with attention, anxiety, habitual learning behaviors, motor implementation, or auditory processing to name a few.
Typical improvements include higher test scores in the area(s) of weakness, better grades in school, and improved self-monitoring skills. An important by-product of our programs and possibly the most obvious improvement seen by our students and families is an improvement in self-esteem. A child’s confidence sky-rockets when they see themselves succeeding in areas they never thought possible.
+ How will I be kept informed of my childs progress?
If your child is receiving intensive instruction, you will get a written progress report on a weekly basis. If your child is coming to the center on a less intensive basis, you will receive an email from the instructor after each session. In addition, you’ll get a chance to discuss your student’s progress at periodic in person updates. Updates can be a private discussion with the Director of Instruction and/or a visit to your child's classroom to see first hand what they are working on.
+ Are instructors licensed teachers?
Our instructors are not necessarily licensed teachers. However, each instructor, regardless of background, must make it through a four step screening process. This entails passing academic tests covering phonemic awareness, expressive language abilities, and critical reasoning abilities; attending a program modeling session where they are assessed on their ability to implement the programs; meeting and answering questions from current staff members; and a final interview with the senior staff members.
Once an instructor is hired, they go through an initial intensive training process covering the programs implemented at FWCL. Then they spend time observing trained instructors work with our students. After that, they are observed and mentored throughout the rest of their career. Weekly staff meetings are held to discuss the students’ progress and provide additional training opportunities.
+ What are the costs?
As a not-for-profit organization, the Fort Wayne Center for Learning seeks to provide the highest quality intensive instruction at the lowest cost to area families. Families who would like to apply for financial assistance must fill out a Financial Assistance Request Form (FAR) and provide us with requested documentation (tax returns, W2s, statements of child support paid or received). Fees are determined based on a family’s annual household income, number of children living in the home and we will take into consideration any special circumstances that may exist. Click here for Financial Assistance Request Form.
+ What does intensive instruction mean?
“Intensive Instruction” generally means 2-4 sessions per day, 4-5 days per week. The duration and frequency of instruction depends upon the results of the Academic Assessment.