All instruction is delivered through an individualized, 1-to-1 approach designed to address the unique needs of each child.
Every child has a personal learning plan based on an initial Academic Assessment.
The Academic Assessment is extensive and thorough, lasting 3 ½ to 4 hours and includes subtests that assess a child’s reading, spelling, math, comprehension, and oral language.
Each individual plan is dynamic, with adjustments made as often as necessary to continue to promote a student’s progress and success.
Students receive instruction on an intensive or non-intensive basis depending upon their unique learning needs.
Intensive remedial instruction takes place 2-4 sessions per day, 4-5 days per week.
Non-Intensive instruction takes place 1-3 sessions a week after school.
We schedule progress updates with parents and regularly communicate with teachers
We like to share newly discovered academic skills and learning strategies with parents and teachers alike. A child’s progress and success is greatly enhanced by the encouragement and involvement of parents/guardians and teachers.
Teaching Strategies
We practice Socratic Teaching, Verbal mediation, Self-Coaching, and diagnostic teaching strategies.
Our Programs
We offer intensive programs focusing in Math, Reading & Spelling, Comprehension, and Read Naturally.
We offer non-intensive programs in Academic Independence Management, as well as tutoring/homework help