Success Stories and Testimonials

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Brothers Sam and Cory both benefited from instruction at FWCL.

FWCL was privileged to be a part of Grace’s learning journey!

Eli is now reading - thanks to the instruction he received at FWCL!


"Fort Wayne Center for Learning does a wonderful job working one on one with students, teaching them starting with the basics and giving them a huge base on which to grow. One student I took there made gains of 4-6 years in school in 6 months! Incredible. He loved the teachers that worked with him. Great job! Thanks for everything!”

Former Student

“I would have never had this chance at life without the help from Fort Wayne Center for Learning. You are the reason why I am who I am today”


From the time I was with Fort Wayne Center for Learning to the present time when I am a ninth grader, much has changed. I came to the Center to learn how to read, write, and do math. I came to learn the point of life, to be educated, and to be challenged. I left here with a brain filled with new information swimming around. Math facts, stories, fiction and nonfiction, number lines, and mature words are filled to the brim.

I went through my middle school years as a leader and an inspiration to others. I passed the English and Math parts of ISTEP last year. I entered ninth grade as a mature nearly 15 year old leader, one of the leaders of the freshman class, as well as an inspiration. Every day I smile, laugh, greet people, and help others. My grades are all A’s and B’s! I know that I would have never had this chance at life without the help from Fort Wayne Center for Learning. You are the reason why I am who I am today. You are the reason for my start in education. I will show you my appreciation by finishing my education and going to college one day.

Thank you Fort Wayne Center for Learning! Thanks for everything!

"Fort Wayne Center for Learning knows what it takes to reach struggling learners. They have highly trained and dedicated instructors that work intensely with your child 1-on-1 so that they can overcome their struggles and build confidence to conquer their studies."

— Proud FWCL parent

Mother of Max

“Within two weeks, we noticed improvement at home.  He seemed more thoughtful.  Instead of just spitting out a quick answer, Max would pause and give a more thorough response”


Max, my 6 year old son, was having difficulty in Kindergarten.  There were some skills he mastered both at home and school; some tasks he did regularly at home, but would refuse to do at school; and others tasks he struggled with regardless of his environment, especially reading comprehension and writing.  We tried to help Max on our own.  We used computer programs, apps, and downloaded worksheets.  We quizzed him on everything.  His school pushed for an ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) diagnosis, but his doctors disagreed.  We started private speech therapy.  We resorted to bribery.  

Max’s teacher used an app, Class Dojo, to provide parents with information regarding their child’s behavior and progress.  The week of January 9, Max received a 19%.  He had four positive marks and 17 on the areas where he needed work.  It was then that we decided to look into the Fort Wayne Center for Learning. 

On March 13, Max had his first session.  We started with the visualizing and verbalizing program.  Within two weeks, we noticed improvement at home.  He seemed more thoughtful.  Instead of just spitting out a quick answer, Max would pause and give a more thorough response. 

Shortly thereafter, his school had a two-week long spring break.  During that time, Max continued to attend the FWCL.  When school resumed his teachers noticed a dramatic change.  The week of April 17, Max’s Class Dojo app showed 100% with 16 positive marks and zero negative comments.  His teacher also sent home two notes detailing his improvement – one regarding his reading comprehension and the other on his writing skills.

 Most importantly, I see a difference.  Before FWCL, Max’s default answer was “good.”  Ice cream was “good.”  School was “good.”  Even vaccination shots were “good.”  Now, Max and I have more meaningful conversations.  I know my son better.  Recently, he asked me to stop calling him “Maxwell” and “just call me Max”. 

 Admittedly, I used to pretend things were “good.”  Now, things are so much better, so much more than just “good.”  

 I believe Max’s outstanding progress is directly related to the help he received at the FWCL.  He would not be the boy he is without their aid and encouragement.

Grace is smiling

And the award for Bravery in Learning goes to Grace!

Learning difficulties are often traumatic for children.  No one wants to be different, so they hide the fact that they can’t do the same academic tasks their peers do so easily.  They tell themselves they can’t do it because they’re stupid, and this negative self-talk further damages their confidence.  This was Grace when she first came to the Fort Wayne Center for Learning

Learn more about Grace’s success story


Not helping Aidan learn was not an option!

We knew Aidan had problems from the time he was learning to walk. He was a delightful child, appeared to be fairly intelligent, but had obvious issues with balance. This was the first clue to some of Aidan’s future learning difficulties.

Learn more about Aidan’s learning journey at FWCL

Boy writing with a pencil in a workbook.

Becoming a Student